Monday, April 13, 2015

This week, something tragic happened.

April 6, 2015

Dear family,

This week, something tragic happened. I lost my scriptures. I felt very lost for several days. During my personal study, during lessons, I just felt...lost. I was just kind of in a state of shock. Nothing was the same. But then one night, right after we finished planning, while we were praying, someone knocked on the door. It was some random guy - with my scriptures. I was so happy. I had left them in a taxi, and it just so happened that the taxi driver was our neighbor. Miracles are real. Let's just hope that I never actually lose my scriptures.

Thursday was the temple trip for investigators and recent converts. President Melara and almos his entire family went. Recent converts: Rene and Mirian; investigators: Isabel (his mom), Ena and Roxana (his sisters), and Eduardo (Ena grandson).

General Conference! That was very good. We watched it here in Nueva Concepcion. This was the first time they've ever done that. In the past they've always gone to Chalatenango (about an hour car drive) to see it. But we know a less active member that has a projector, a former investigator that's a DJ, and a few members that have laptops and so we put everything together and we watched it here. Much better that way.

One of my favorite talks was one where they talked about dancing without the music (I don't remember who gave it). You really can't dance without music. It just doesn't work. Even if you know all the steps, it just feels awkward doing it. It's the same way with teaching: teaching with the spirit. You can't teach without the spirit. Even if you know all the points you want to cover in the lesson, if you don't have the spirit, it doesn't feel right. I, for one, feel awkward if I try to teach not by the spirit. But when we teach by the spirit, miracles happen.

Well, I love you all! Thanks for everything!
Elder Hilton

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